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Dental clinic

Masarykova 22, 080 01 Prešov, Slovakia

Monday — Friday:7:30 AM — 3:00 PM

Curodont™ Repair

Treatment of caries “without drilling”

Innovative caries treatment without drilling and filling

Curodont™ Repair allows you to repair small cavities without the need to remove damaged dental matter.

More information
Logo Odboru dentálnej hygieny Fakulty zdravotníckych odborov Prešovskej univerzity v Prešove s usmievavým zubom, zubnou kefkou a ďalším, profesionálnym nástrojom na čistenie zubov.Logo Fakulty zdravotníckych odborov v PrešoveLogo Prešovskej univerzity s latinským nápisom Universitas Presoviensis 1997

We are an accredited clinical workplace for students of the Department of Dental Hygiene of the University of Prešov.

Our dental clinic is focused on Prevention.

In the treatment of our patients, we use the latest knowledge in the field of biomimetic dentistry. The word biomimetic comes from the words bio — meaning life and mimicry— duplicate. The main goal of biomimetic dentistry is primarily to prolong the life of teeth, preserve their natural structure and treat diseases in the oral cavity before an invasive solution is needed.

Symbol súhlasného odškrtnutia, tzv. fajfka

Pain-free treatment — local anesthesia before each procedure

Symbol súhlasného odškrtnutia, tzv. fajfka

A team of dentists and dental hygienists

Symbol súhlasného odškrtnutia, tzv. fajfka

Minimally invasive treatment using non-toxic materials

Symbol súhlasného odškrtnutia, tzv. fajfka

Dental hygiene with revolutionary GUIDED BIOFILM THERAPY

Symbol súhlasného odškrtnutia, tzv. fajfka

Accredited workplace for students of the University of Prešov

Symbol súhlasného odškrtnutia, tzv. fajfka


Zubárske kreslo v zubnej ambulancii, v čistom prostredí, s profesionálnym vybavením, monitorom upevneným na strope a silným osvetlením
Telefónne sluchátko

Make an appointment:
+421 51 77 019 61

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